Wednesday, June 17, 2020

We are still unable to hold our regular meetings at the Missouri Botanical Garden. If you are already on the distribution list for the Botanical Art Society of St. Louis, join us on our private group page on Facebook: Botanical Art Society of St. Louis. Share your recent work, questions, and conversation about botanical art.

Also, Pat Burrell-Standley who has done so much to help organize activities for the group will be unable to continue in that capacity. We are looking for someone in the group to volunteer to take over managing our distribution list, plan activities and send out notices. If you are interested, contact or post your interest on the private Facebook group page.

Friday, December 6, 2019

2020 Meeting Schedule

Join us in 2020! 

Meetings are held 9 am to noon on the second Monday of the month

Guests are welcome.

January 13, 2020: at the Missouri Botanical Garden
(Garden room, Ridgeway Center)

February 10, 2020: at the Missouri Botanical Garden
(attend the Orchid show, sketch or paint in the garden, show & share, stay for lunch in the cafe)

March 9, 2020: at the Missouri Botanical Garden
Garden room, Ridgeway Center - Try Silverpoint! (drawing with silver instead of graphite) led by Deanna Nash (a small fee for materials will be charged). Please RSVP if you plan to come. Contact if you would like to be added to the distribution list for meeting announcements.

April 13, 2020: location to be determined (Cancelled due to COVID)

May 11, 2020: at the Missouri Botanical Garden (Cancelled due to COVID)
(Garden room, Ridgeway Center)

June 8, 2020: location to be determined (Cancelled due to COVID)

July 13, 2020: at the Missouri Botanical Garden (Cancelled due to COVID)
(Garden room, Ridgeway Center)

August 10, 2020: location to be determined

September 14, 2020: at the Missouri Botanical Garden
(Garden room, Ridgeway Center)

October 12, 2020: location to be determined

November 9, 2020: at the Missouri Botanical Garden
(#119 Primrose room, CBEC)

December 14, 2020: location to be determined

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Welcome to the Botanical Art Society of St. Louis.

The Botanical Art Society of St. Louis provides peer interaction, education and exhibition opportunities for all who have an interest and appreciation for contemporary botanical art whether you are an artist, collector, curator, botanist, gardener, conservationist, or educator.

If you would like to become a member, receive notices of our activities or attend one of our meetings as a guest, please contact us at